Fighting the Knights of New England (Medieval Combat)

Buhurt, Historical Medieval Battle (HMB), and Armored Combat Sports are all types of medieval fighting. Knights wear full steel armor and wield historically accurate medieval weapons as they go into battle with other warriors looking for blood. In this episode, we explore the Armored Combat Sports Rookie Rumble event in Nashua, New Hampshire. Here, fighters swing swords, poleaxes, maces, and shields as they fight until one crowned champion is standing. In order to enter this event you need to have been fighting for less than two years. This time, no one is less experienced than "Off the Cuff" host Harris who puts on armor for the first time ever and steps into the ring.

What is Armored Combat Sports?

Armored Combat Sports (ACS) is one of a handful of leagues that participates in full contact medieval battle. Participants compete wearing full sets of armor and wield blunted medieval weapons. This league emphasizes historical accuracy. Source

Do people get hurt in Armored Combat Sports?

Participants do get hurt in ACS. However, as stated in the video above, while fighters may be harmed in battle it is rare that real injuries occur. Safety measures are put into place that protect the wellbeing of those participating in this form of medieval battle.

What are the hardest things about Armored Combat Sport?

Per my experience during the Rookie Rumble event in Nashua, along with taking gut wrenching blows all over my body one of the most difficult parts of competition was dealing with the heat inside the armor. Airflow is extremely limited inside of a helmet. It was around 95 degrees on the day of the event I participated in, but around 112 degrees inside my set of armor. Another aspect that was very difficult was the use of period accurate shoes. Competitors must wear smooth leather bottomed shoes in competition. These leather soled sneakers slid incredibly easily on the grass surface of the battle field. I personally fell because of this a few times during competition.

How many people do Armored Combat Sports?

There are around 600 registered members of the ACS league. Learn more about how to join and participate here:

How ‘period accurate’ is ACS?

The Armored Combat Sports league aims to be as period accurate as possible while maintaining the safety of all participants. One of the main historical differences is the use of blunted weapons instead of razor sharp blades. Learn more about this in the video above.

Who started the Armored Combat Sports League?

The ACS league was started by Jaye Travis Brooks Sr.

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